Valerianella carinata Loisel. a Bükkben, és néhány kiegészítés a Matricum flórájához

Megjelent: 2024.12.26.


Süveges Kristóf


Abstract: (Valerianella carinata Loisel. in the Bükk Mountains, and some additions to the flora of the Matricum) In this paper, I present new occurrences of 22 vascular plants species from the North Hungarian Mountains, mainly from mountain foothills and low-lying areas. Most of the data come from the geogra­phical sub-regions of the Southern Mátra and Litke-Etesi hills. In the Southern Mátra no occurrence of Lathyrus aphaca was previously known, and hardly any data or localities are known for Carex supina, Draba muralis, Geranium rotundifolium, Valerianella dentata, V. rimosa. A new occurrence of Melilotus dentatus from the Litke-Etesi hills is also a significant data in botanical-geographical terms. From the Bükk Mountains, I report the occurrence of Valerianella carinata; no previous data of this species was known from the mountains. Centaurium uliginosum subsp. littorale and Gnaphalium luteoalbum were found in a sand pit in the Gödöllő hills.


Hivatkozás: SÜVEGES K. (2024): Valerianella carinata Loisel. a Bükkben, és néhány kiegészítés a Matricum flórájához. – Folia historico-naturalia Musei Matraensis, 48: 13–19.