A problematic further specimen of Haliadesdakruon morganae Cumming & Le Triant, 2021 (Psocoptera: Trogiomorpha) from Burmese amber

Megjelent: 2024.12.26.


György Sziráki


Abstract: A psocid specimen preserveded in Burmese amber was investigated and tentatively determined as Heliadesdakruon morganae Cumming & Le Triant, 2021. Some features, which were not discussed in the original description of the species are described. Moreover, remarkable differences between the holpty­pe of Heliadesdakruon morganae and some paratype specimens illustrated by photographs in the original description of this species as well as the examined specimen were pointed out. Examination of further ma­terial would be necessary to know wether H. morganae is a rather variable species, or representatives of not only one Heliadesdakruon Cumming & Le Triant, 2021 species came to liht already. On the basis of wing peculiarities the genus Heliadesdakruon belongs to the family Empheriidae independently of the acceptan­ce or refusal of the recent synonymization of Archaeatropidae where this genus was placed in originally. A slight modification of the description of the genus Heliadesdakruon is proposed.


Hivatkozás: SZIRÁKI GY. (2024): A problematic further specimen of Haliadesdakruon morganae Cumming & Le Triant, 2021 (Psocoptera: Trogiomorpha) from Burmese amber. – Folia historico-naturalia Musei Matraensis, 48: 55–59.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.69595/FoliaNatMatra.2024.48.06