Megjelent: 2024.12.26.
Kenyeres Zoltán & Kovács Tibor
Abstract: (Who was also at home in the Mátra Mts – we say goodbye to Sándor Tóth) Sándor Tóth, one of the last significant figures of Hungarian classical entomology, passed away on 17 May 2024. His long career focused mainly on the Bakony Region and Lake Balaton. Still, he also conducted intensive research in many other areas of the country, including the Mátra Mts. He summarized his results on Odonata and Dipteran families of Bombyliidae, Conopidae, Culicidae, Stratiomyidae, Syrphidae, Tabanidae, and Tachinidae from the Mátra Region in 17 publications, 3 of which are monographs. In the name of the whole profession, the authors bid farewell their tireless and exemplary colleague and friend with a short biography, a brief review of his results on the Fauna of Mátra Mts, and some personal memories.
Hivatkozás: KENYERES Z. & KOVÁCS T. (2024): Aki a Mátrában is otthon volt: Tóth Sándortól búcsúzunk. – Folia historico-naturalia Musei Matraensis, 48: 5–12.